1. River Styles Project Proposal
The following homework was set during the first lecture:
- [ ] Read Chapter 1, Chapter 8 & 9 of Brierley and Fryris (2005) in detail.
- [ ] Identify a watershed where you wish to apply River Styles (e.g. your study watershed)Complete the proposal assignment below.
- Prepare a proposal (2000 word max) explaining where and how you will apply Stage 1 & 2 of River Styles to a study watershed of your choosing
- Outline the data sources you already have and those that you will need to complete a Stage 1 & 2 River Styles analysis of your watersheds.
- Identify what information you will need for each step of the framework that can be inferred from existing data layers or remote sensing, versus those that require field information (note: you will not be expected to conduct additional field work for this assignment)
- Include map(s) of the watershed and drainage network you will classifyInclude some justification for your selection of a study watershed (e.g. on going thesis research at this watershed) and how the classification and context provided in Stages 1 & 2 minght be helpful.
- There are no formal guidelines on the format of the proposal, but I expect it to be well organized (i.e. use headings and subheadings) and easy to read and/or follow. If you reproduce any figures or maps from other publications, provide appropriate citations.
- Turn in PDF of proposal (by email) to me no later then midnight on September 29th (Sunday) - I extended the deadline due to confusion about the instructions and the fact they were not posted to the website until 9/24.