Natalie Kramer
People -> Researchers & Technicians
Job Title: Post Doctoral Researcher Primary Affiliation: Department of Watershed Sciences Secondary Affiliation: Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab
- PhD, Geosciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 2016
- M.S., Geosciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 2011
- B.A., Geology, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California, 2007
Natalie’s research has focused on the physical processes along rivers with emphasis on in-stream wood. She enjoys multi-scale integrative research. She is currently working on the CHaMP project, integrating ecological and physical data throughout the headwaters of the Columbia Basin to aid in the recovery and management of salmon populations in the Pacific Northwest.
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ORCiD #: 0000-0001-6301-6155
**Natalie Kramer **is a fluvial geomorphologist and lifelong river runner. She joined the [ET-AL](/etal team in January 2017 as a post-doctoral scholar after completing her PhD at Colorado State University with Ellen Wohl in 2016. Natalie is a SoGES Global Sustainability Leadership Fellow (2013) who values sharing her research with the general public. She particularly enjoys telling compelling big picture stories about how riverine landscapes evolve and change through time. She has worked on a variety of projects resulting in numerous academic publications in respected journals. Prior to working on data analysis and synthesis for CHaMP, most of her work was focused on the transport of instream wood through drainage networks and the legacy impacts of wood deposits on shorelines. Kayaking has given her a broad intuitive understanding of rivers that has been hugely influential to her success as a physical scientist. Fun fact: since infancy, Natalie has never gone a full year without floating down a river somewhere.
- CHaMP: Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program ( (2017-present)
- Basin-scale sediment connectivity in the Italian Alps with regards to lithologic controls on adjustment post glaciation. (2016)
- Expedition baseline data collection prior to construction of large hydropower on the Rio Marañón, Peru. (2015-present) (
- Management of large wood in streams of Colorado’s Front Range: a risk analysis based on physical, biological, and social factors. (2014-2015)
- Big River Driftwood Dynamics in the Canadian Subarctic * (Doctoral Dissertation* 2012-2016, Advisor Ellen Wohl)
- An Investigation into Beaver-induced Holocene Sedimentation using Ground Penetrating Radar and Seismic Refraction: Beaver Meadows, Rocky Mountain National Park* (MS Thesis 2009-2012, Co-*Advisors: Ellen Wohl and Dennis Harry)
Media Contributions or Coverage
- CHaMP: Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program ( (2017-present)
- Confluir: A Study of Rio Marañón. Documentary Film by Henry Worobec (Aug 2016)
- Women’s work: shooting rapids and exploring the Amazon. National Geographic Interview for Life in the Extreme series (July 15, 2016).
- The stunning ways driftwood builds landscapes. Explorers Journal, National Geographic Guest Blog (Aug 29, 2015).
- Geologist tracks driftwood down the Mackenzie basin. Northern Journal (April 1, 2013).
- NWT driftwood study makes waves in geology world. Northern Journal (Oct 7, 2013).
- Geophysics reveals secrets of the beaver Earth Pages- Research News (Feb 4, 2012).
- How beavers helped to build America Science and Technology, Fox News (Dec 29, 2011).
Scholarly Contributions
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Kramer, N., Wohl, E., Hess-Homeier, B., Leisz, S., in press, The pulse of driftwood export from a very large forested river basin over multiple timescales, Slave River, Canada, Water Resources Research.
- Kramer, N.,Wohl, E.E. , and Harry, D.L., 2012, Using ground penetrating radar to ‘unearth’ buried beaver dams, Geology, v.40, p.43-46, doi:10.1130/G32682.1.
- Kramer, N. and Wohl, E.E., 2014, Estimating fluvial wood discharge using time-lapse photography with varying sampling intervals, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v.39(6), p. 711-852, doi: 10.1002/esp.3540.
- Kramer, N. and Wohl, E.E .2015,Driftcretions: The legacy impact of driftwood on shoreline morphology. Journal of Geophysical Research, v.42(14), p. 5855–5864. doi: 10.1002/2015GL064441.
- Wohl E., Fausch K., Bledsoe B., Betsgen K., Goosef M., Kramer N., 2016, Management of large wood in streams of Colorado’s Front Range: a risk analysis based on physical, biological, and social factors, Journal of the American Water Resources. 52(2):315-335, doi: 10.1111/1752-1688.12388
- Kramer, N. and Wohl, E., 2016, Rules of the Road: A qualitative and quantitative review of wood transport through fluvial networks, Geomorphology. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.08.026. *Invited paper
Recent Conference Papers, Presentations & Posters
- Hill, A., Kramer, N., **Goode, J. **Using an Expedition Storyline, Baseline Data, Multiple Partnerships and a Varied Outreach Strategy to Engage Diverse Audiences in Geoscience Discourse: A Case Study on the Rio Maranon, Peru. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco; 12/2016
- *Kramer, N., **Goode, J, Hill, A., Worobec, H, Salcedo-Gustavson, S, Trama, F., Silva, D., Peralta, J., 2016, Large scale remote region baseline data collection and outreach prior to proposed construction of multiple major hydropower projects on the Rio Maranon, Peru. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Denver; 09/2016 (poster*)
- Conley, W and Kramer, N, 2016, River restoration design considerations for large woody debris with respect to boater safety. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Denver; 09/2016 (poster)
- Kramer, N., Piegay, H., Ruiz-Villanueva, V., 2016, Application of traditional and novel approaches for assessing flooding risk related to drift wood delivery, transport and deposit: advances in science and flood hazard management.*. **GSA Abstracts with Programs, Denver; 09/2016 (Talk*)
- Goode, J.,**Kramer, N., **Hill, A., 2016, Estimating Sediment Delivery to The Rio Maranon, Peru Prior to Large-Scale Hydropower Developments Using High Resolution Imagery from Google Earth and a DJI Phantom 3 Drone. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco; 12/2016
- Wohl E., Fausch K., Bledsoe B., Betsgen K., Goosef M., Kramer N., 2014, Management of large wood in streams of Colorado’s Front Range: a risk analysis based on physical, biological, and social factors, Prepared for general use by Colorado water resource managers, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado.
- **Kramer, N., **Ancient Beaver Dams. Subsurface Views Newsletter, Sensors and Software, v.8 (31), p.1-2.
- Anderson, N. et al., 2013, Cache La Poudre River rehabilitation for a changing tomorrow: considerations for management, Prepared for the City of Greeley, Graduate course BZ680, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado.
- Anderson, N. et al., 2014, Assessment of restoring river-floodplain connectivity at River Bluffs Open Space, Prepared for Larimer County Open Space, Graduate seminar GEOL692, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Utah State University Watershed Sciences Department 5210 Old Main Hill, NR 210 Logan UT 84322-5210
Office: NA Office Phone: 530-722-5789