James Hensleigh
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Job Title: Geospatial Programmer/Analyst Primary Affiliation: Department of Watershed Sciences Secondary Affiliation: Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab**
- 2014 M.S. Watershed Sciences. Utah State University
- 2010-2011 MSc. Geo-ecosystem Dynamics. Universiteit van Amsterdam
- 2008 B.S. Environmental Studies. University of Utah
- Roughness modeling of surveyed topographic data
- Algorithm development for processing and statistical analysis of large point clouds
- Multi-beam echo sounder surveying
- Error modeling in GIS
- Geomorphic change detection
James Hensleigh is a Geospatial Programmer/Analyst for the ET-AL at Utah State University. James earned his Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies from University of Utah in 2008. James then spent one year from 2010 to 2011 studying Geo-ecosystem Dynamics at Universiteit van Amsterdam while also working as a Research Assistant and GIS Analyst for the Institute for Environmental Studies at Vrije Universiteit. James recently completed his master’s thesis “Geomorphic Change Detection using Multi-Beam SONAR”. The core of this project is a synthesis of GIS and statistical analysis to develop an effective error model to quantify uncertainty involved in multi-beam SONAR surveys. Currently his main focuses are programming for Geomorphic Change Detection software, CHaMP Topo Toolbar, and refining models of surface roughness for data obtained with multi-beam SONAR.
Utilizing multi-beam SONAR data for substrate mapping of Hell’s Canyon Complex
- web mapping application and report for Idaho Power Company (*in progress)
Guidelines for Bathymetric Surface Differencing with Multi-Beam SONAR
- digital report prepared for Idaho Power Company (October 2013)
Geomorphic change detection using multi-beam SONAR
- Master’s Thesis - Project Manager
- Research Assistant/GIS Analyst on project (non-author)
Scholarly Contributions
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Bangen, S., Hensleigh, J., McHugh, P. & Wheaton, J. (2016), Error modeling of DEMs from topographic surveys of rivers using fuzzy inference systems. Water Resources Research. doi: 10.1002/2015WR018299.
Kasprak, A., J. M. Wheaton, P. E. Ashmore, J. W. Hensleigh, and S. Peirce (2015), The relationship between particle travel distance and channel morphology: Results from physical models of braided rivers, J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surf., 120, doi:10.1002/2014JF003310.
Conference Papers, Presentations & Posters
- Hensleigh J., Wheaton JM, Bailey P., & Welcker C. Techniques for Robustly Developing Spatially Variable Uncertainty Models for Digital Elevation Models Using Fuzzy Inference Systems. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting 2014 - Paper Session Advances and Challenges in Digital Elevation Models I (Overview); April 8, 2014; Tampa, FL.
- Welcker CW., Hensleigh J., Wheaton JM., Anderson K., Butler M., & Hocker B. Bathymetry Differencing to Quantify Volumetric Change within the Snake River in Hells Canyon. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2013; San Francisco, CA.
- Hensleigh J. Addressing Uncertainty in Geomorphic Change Detection of Multi-Beam SONAR Surveys. ESRI Southwest User Conference - Engineering & Surveying Session; November 13, 2013; Salt Lake City, UT.
- Wheaton JM., Hensleigh J., Glenn N., Bailey P., & Welcker C. Advances in Geomorphic Change Detection: Promise and Pitfalls of Working with Big Point Clouds. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting; October 30, 2013; Denver, CO.
- Hensleigh J. (Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab ET-AL). Addressing Error in Geomorphic Change Detection of Multi-Beam SONAR Surveys. ESRI User Conference - Visualize and Explore Collections of Imagery; July 9, 2013; San Diego, CA.
- Hensleigh J. (Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab ET-AL). Geomorphic Change Detection Using Multi-Beam SONAR. Poster presented at: Spring Runoff Conference; 2013 April 9 - 10; Logan, UT.** Winner Outstanding Student Poster**
Technical Reports
Hensleigh J. & Wheaton J.M. 2014. Substrate Mapping of the Snake River in Hells Canyon River River Mile 216 to 217. Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab, Utah State University, Prepared for Idaho Power Company, Logan, UT.
Hensleigh J. & Wheaton JM. 2014. Initial Substrate Mapping of Hells Canyon Complex With MBES Data. Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab, Utah State University, Prepared for Idaho Power Company, Logan, UT.
Wheaton JM & Hensleigh J. 2013. Guidelines for Bathymetric Surface Differencing with Multi-Beam SONAR. Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab, Utah State University, Prepared for Idaho Power Company, Logan, UT.
Leary RJ, Hensleigh JW, Wheaton JM, & Demeurichy KD. 2012. Recommended Geomorphic Change Detection Procedures for Repeat TLS Surveys from Hells Canyon, ID. Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab, Utah State University, Prepared for Idaho Power Company, Logan, UT, 144 pp.
Utah State University Watershed Sciences Department 5210 Old Main Hill, NR 210 Logan UT 84322-5210
Office: ECC 102B
Office Phone: 435-797-9189