Nicole Czarnomski

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Current Affiliation: ESA

Current Title: Geomorphologist & Hydrologist

USU Job Title: Post Doctoral Research Associate

Primary Former USU Affiliation: Intermountain Center for River Rehabilitation & Restoration

Secondary USU Affiliations:



  • 2010 PhD Water Resource Engineering, Water Resources Program, Oregon State University
  • 2004 MS Forest Science, Department of Forest Science, College of Forestry, Oregon State University
  • 1998 BS Natural Resources and Environment, School of Natural Resources, University of Michigan


Utilizing Geomorphic Change Detection Software to explore changes to sandbar-eddy complexes on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon.


Nicole Czarnomski, was a post doctoral research scientist for the ET-AL at Utah State University in 2012-2013.


Scholarly Contributions

Peer Reviewed Publications

  • Czarnomski, N.M., D. Tullos, R.E. Thomas, and A. Simon. Shear stress and turbulence along a streambank due to changes in vegetation canopy density and bank angle. J. Hydr. Eng. in review

  • Czarnomski, N.M., D.M. Dreher, J.A. Jones, and F.J. Swanson. 2008. Dynamics of wood in stream networks of the western Cascades Range, Oregon. Can. J. For. Res. 38: 2236–2248.

  • Bond, B.J., N.M. Czarnomski, C.Cooper, M.E. Day, and S. Greenwood. 2007. Developmental decline in height growth in Douglas-fir. Tree Physiology: 27.

  • Czarnomski, N.M., G.W. Moore, T.G. Pypker, J. Licata, and B.J. Bond. 2005. Precision and accuracy of three alternative instruments for measuring soil water content in two forest soils of the Pacific Northwest. Can. J. For. Res. 35: 1867:1876.

Select Conference Papers, Presentations & Posters

  • Presentation: 2010. Czarnomski, NM., Augerot, X., Reeve, T. “Rethinking strategy for monitoring long-term restoration results,” co-presented at the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board Biennial Conference, Pendleton, OR.

  • Session convener and poster: 2009. Czarnomski, N.M., Tullos, D., Thomas, RE., and Simon, A. 2009. “Influence of vegetation density and projected area on streambank hydraulics,” Poster at the 2009 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, EP23C-0650. Co-convener of oral and poster sessions: Vegetation and fluvial processes: Research and application in fluvial geomorphology.

  • Paper and poster: Czarnomski, N.M. 2009. “Influence of vegetation density and projected area on streambank hydraulics,” Proceedings of 33rd IAHR Congress, Aug. 9-14, 2009.

  • Presentation: 2007.Czarnomski, NM., Dreher, DM., Jones, JA., and Swanson, FJ. “Landscape-scale dynamics of wood in stream networks of the western Cascades, Oregon,” presented at the Association of American Geographers annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.

  • Presentation: 2007. Czarnomski, NM. “An Experiment in Interdisciplinary Collaboration,” presented for the Ecosystem Informatics winter seminar series, Corvallis, OR.

  • Presentation: 2002. Czarnomski, NM., Dreher, DM., Jones, JA., and Swanson, FJ. “Effects of harvest and roads on in-stream wood abundance in Blue River Basin, Cascades, OR,” presented at the Research Advances in Fisheries, Wildlife and Ecology annual meeting, Corvallis, OR.


  • Sarr, D., D. Odion, D. Hibbs, J. Weikel, R. Gresswell, R. Bury, N. Czarnomski, R. Pabst, J. Shatford, and A. Moldenke. 2005. Riparian Zone Forest Management and the Protection of Biodiversity: A Problem Analysis. Technical Bulletin No. 908. National Center for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI), Inc. Research Triangle Park, N.C. 107 pp plus appendices.

Utah State University Watershed Sciences Department 5210 Old Main Hill Logan UT 84322-5210

Office: QL 202