
Task 1: Run the

Probability of Ungulate Utilization (

grazing capacity) three input FIS


Update the directory window and type the FIS_IT command again until the dialog box (below) prompts you to select an FIS:

The below dialog box should open and prompt you to select an FIS:


Then you are prompted to Select the folder that contains your inputs.

Select the inputs folder (single click to add to ‘Folder’ window and choose ‘Select Folder’).

The below dialog box should open and prompt you to select Vegetation_Preference Input Raster:


The below dialog box should open and prompt you to load slope input raster:


The below dialog box should open and prompt you to load water source input raster (Distance_To_Water):


The FIS should now start calculating… this may take a several minutes.

The below dialog box should open and prompt you to save your FIS


Then it will need to save the FIS Grid to a File. This will take a bit longer than the previous step.

Task 2: Convert the FIS output ASCII raster to .img raster


You may need to Calculate Statistics on the output .img raster. Additionally you may need to define a projection (Define Projection tool) for the new raster (NAD 83 UTM Zone 12N). Note that the range of output values should be 0 - 1 (or nearly 1). The legend has been edited/relabeled and simplified.


The final output should look something like the above.