
Introduction to Lab


One of the many powers of GIS is combining various data based on spatial location. Information can be obtained from aerial imagery or scanned maps, but to correctly overlay other layers of data, spatial reference or a coordinate system must be defined for, and assigned to, the aerial imagery or scanned maps. This is the process of georeferencing: aligning some type of raster imagery to a map coordinate system. This workshop works through two exercises on georeferencing raster imagery, intended to reinforce some of the coordinate system and projection principles we cover in week 2, as an example from which to build good maps from existing data.


Lab Objectives

The two primary objectives of this lab are to 1) teach you how to georeference rasters and 2) reiterate building persuasive and convincing maps.

During this workshop you will learn how to take digital images or maps that are not georeferenced and georeference (or register) them onto an appropriate coordinate system. Upon completion of the workshop exercise, you will have:

  1. Georeferenced a scanned historical aerial photo to allow you to overlay it on a map
  2. Georeferenced a digital aerial photo collected from a small blimp (like the one you will use next week) using control points.

Lab Tasks

This week, you are working for an environmental consulting firm who specializes in watershed management. Your boss has asked you to georeference the photos provided for Sulphur Creek (in California) and he would like you to:

  1. Produce a good map showing a correctly georeferenced historical aerial photo from 1953 side-by-side with a provided 2002 aerial photograph.
  2. Produce a good map showing a correctly georeferenced aerial photograph from a 2006 blimp survey of the channel survey area on Sulphur Creek.

Sulphur Creek Watershed

You are provided with the following new data (in Georeferencing_StHelena.zipimg):

Task 1 - Georeferencing a Scanned Historical Image

You need to georeference a scanned historical image (1953_StHelena_AP.jpg) based on establishing control points in a more recent (2002_SulphurCreek_AP.tif) correctly georeferenced image. This means that the new georeferenced image you produce will take on the coordinate system and projection of the more recent image. You should also assess how good a job you did at georeferencing the imagery, and create a map that convinces your boss that you did the georeferencing correctly. See here for detailed instructions.

Task 2 - Georeferencing a Digital Aerial Photograph

In this task you will take an image acquired from an aerial platform (2006_BlimpPhoto.jpg) and georeference it using aerial targets visible in the image, which correspond to known ground coordinates (2006_Blimp_Targets.asc). Again, you will need to assess how good a job you did at georeferencing and create a convincing map. See here for some instructions.

What to Submit

Prepare a webpage for this lab on your personal website for the course, which presents the results of Tasks 1 & 2 with attention paid in both your maps and write-up to convincing your boss you understand the process of georeferencing and that you did the tasks correctly.

Make sure your lab conforms to the general lab submission guidelines. Submit a URL for this lab’s webpage.

Suggested Instructions & Workflows


Task 1: Georeferencing a Scanned Historical Image Task 2: Georeferencing a Digital Aerial Photograph

Additional Resources

Lab Introduction Slides

img Lab Slides - Shannon Belmont

Tutorial or Step-by-Step Instructions for Specific Tasks