
Introduction to Lab


There are many situations where you may need to reproduce a map that you only have a paper copy of and do not have in a GIS format. Over the course of the semester you should have the skills and the know-how to be able to bring together the data you need

Data for Lab

No this is not plagiarism, because you will appropriately cite the map you find and all the data you use!


Lab Objectives

The purpose of this lab is primarily to make you realize that most of the maps that you see and like, you can probably produce youself. We want you to look for maps that impress you, and then figure out what it would take to make one just like it. In the process, this will reinforce a lot of really important GIS and cartographic skills.

Meets Course Learning Outcomes 2 & 5.


Task 1 - Get a Map to Reproduce

Find a paper or image (i.e. jpg, png, etc. not in a GIS format) of a map that you want to reproduce. The map should pass the 6 C’s litmus test and have all the attributes of a ‘good map’. Put this map on your web page for this lab and provide a few sentences to a paragraph justification of why you chose this map to reproduce.

Task 2 - Reproduce It

Reproduce the map to the best of your ability in ArcGIS (feel free to make subtle stylistic improvements, but the core content should be the same). By ‘reproduce’ you don’t necessarily need to make the map look the same as the other map (your map should follow the 6 C’s and look better). What you need to ‘reproduce’ is the data shown in the map.

Task 3 - Make it Interactive

Choose the primary core data layers and convert these to KMZ layers, which you host on your website and use to build interactive Google Map interfaces.

What to Submit

Prepare a webpage for this lab on your personal website for the course and prepare the following within that page or subpages (child pages):

Make sure your lab conforms to the general lab submission guidelines. Submit a URL for this lab’s webpage.