
We will hold a poster session during class on April 23rd in the Atrium. You will each prepare your own poster to present during your normal lab time.


Poster Format

You should prepare a full-size poster (e.g. 24” or 36” tall by 48” wide) and print a hard copy to hang in one of the following formats:

Even if you do not print a full size version of your poster, it is recommended that you prepare the posters in something like Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Publisher or Microsoft PowerPoint on a full size poster sheet (see here if you need help). You should prepare a PDF or image of your poster, so you can host a digital copy on your project page for your website.

Also post a PDF (< 10 MB in size) on your project pages for your course website, and submit the URL to Canvas to receive poster credit.

If you want to use our PowerPoint Poster_Template.ppt, you are welcome to. Feel free to change look and layout entirely from this:


Session Format

We will split the class into two groups. Groups will alternate between standing by their posters and answering questions and wandering between the different posters. You will be responsible for filling out anonymous peer-review forms of others’ posters and you will be encouraged to give each other constructive critiques and helpful feedback. You will be graded in part on your participation in this peer-review process.