

Introduction to Topic

During these lecture slots, we will both discuss your projects and hear about specific research utilizing GIS and spatial analyses undertaken by a variety of researchers.

Why we’re Covering it

There are a plethora of ways in which GIS is used in research to address a diverse array of questions and issues. In these lectures, we will bring in some guest lecturers to share some of the clever ways in which they are using GIS for their research. As these will coincide with your own work on your projects, the intention i to give you ideas and inspirations about how you might be able to improve your own projects, extend them in the future, or simply have ideas and/or an awareness about what can be done with GIS.

Learning Outcomes

These guest lectures help fulfill primary learning outcomes 1 & 4.

Lecture Materials

2012 - Google Earth Lecture - Sean Maday

Landscape Ecology

Building Custom GIS Applications & Software - Philip Bailey

Additional Resources

Philip’s Stable of Tools for Developing GIS Applications:

Type Philip’s Go-To Tools Alternatives
Desktop GIS ArcGIS 10 SP5 with SDK Quantum GIS, GME, R
IDE Visual Studio 10 Easy PHP
Code Repository Source Gear Vault GIT, Cloud
Text Editor NotePad++  
Image Editor Photoshop, Inkscape
Data Manipulation Excel, Access R
File Transfer FileZilla  
Browser Chrome with FireBug  
Virtualization VirtualBox,  
Documentation Google Sites, FastStone WordPress, Camtasia
User Support Forums phpBB  
Issue Tracking unFuddle Bugzilla

Philip’s Suggestions for Resources & Further Reading

