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I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Watershed Sciences at Utah State University. We offer PhDs and Masters in a) Watershed Science, b) Aquatic Ecology and c) Fisheries. We have great undergraduate programs in a) Watershed & Earth Systems as well as b) Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences.
I currently teach undergraduate and graduate courses in GIS (WATS 4930, 4930, 6920, 6921 and 6915) as well as a Fluvial Hydraulics and Ecohydraulics graduate course every other year. Watershed Monitoring & Analysis, as well as ecohydraulics. In addition I coordinate our Watershed Science Graduate Induction Course with Patrick Bemont, and lead a number of workshops through the Intermountain Center for River Rehabilitation and Restoration.
If you are looking for PhD or Masters opportunities in my lab, please see here.
Students on the Graduate Induction Course learning about different surveying methods.
Students on the Graduate Induction Course Rafting.
Our classroom for the Working with Beaver in Restoration Design Workshop.