Joe's personal web pages
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I have had the privilege of working with some outstanding colleagues, collaborators and students over the years. Here I only attempt to list some of those I’ve collaborated most closely or directly with on specific projects (i.e. forgive me for omissions…).
Maybe I should add James Brasington here.
Alternatively, see specific project pages and study sites for list of collaborators by project, graduate student pages for list of current students, and et al. Lab for lab members.
Salutation | First Name | Last Name | Title | Relationship | Web Page | Primary Project | Affiliation |
Ms. | Sara | Bangen | Masters Student | Current Student | Improving Monitoring Protocols for Watersheds in the Columbia Basin | Utah State University | |
Dr. | Doug | Booker | Research Scientist | Former Collaborator (PhD Commitee) | Uncertainties in River Restoration | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA, New Zealand) | |
Dr. | Nick | Bouwes | Adjunct Professor | Ongoing Collaborator | Improving Monitoring Protocols for Watersheds in the Columbia Basin | Eco Logical Research, Utah State University | |
Dr. | James | Brasington | Reader in Fluvial Geomorphology & Hydrology | Ongoing Collaborator | IGES Staff Page | Morphological Sediment Budgeting | Aberystwyth University |
Dr. | Ben | Crosby | Assistant Professor | Ongoing Collaborator | Personal Site | Salmon Basin | Idaho State University |
Dr. | Steve | Darby | Professor | Ongoing Collaborator (PhD Commitee) | Staff Profile | Uncertainties in River Restoration | University of Southampton |
Mr. | Kenny | DeMeurichy | Researcher - Surveyor & Terrestrial Laser Scanning Analyst | Current Technician | et al. Lab | Utah State University | |
Ms. | Susannah | Erwin | PhD Candidate | I serve on PhD Commitee | Student Profile Page | Closing Sediment Budgets | Utah State University |
Ms. | Chris | Gerrard | Research Associate | Ongoing Collaborator | RSGIS Center Staff Profile | Extending DoD Software | RSGIS |
Dr. | Nancy | Glenn | Research Professor | Ongoing Collaborator | Boise Center Aerospace Laboratory | Salmon Falls Land Slide - LiDaR Change Detection | Idaho State University |
Mr. | Alan | Kasprak | PhD Student | Current Student | Personal Website | MORPHED | Utah State University |
Mr. | Ryan | Lokteff | Masters Student | Current Student | Comparison of Traditional Versus Ground-based LiDaR In-stream Habitat Assessments | Utah State University | |
Ms. | Rebecca | Manners | PhD Candidate | I serve on PhD Commitee | Student Profile | Multi-Scalar Geomorphic and Vegetative Feedbacks in the Colorado River Basin | Utah State University |
Dr. | Jim | McKean | Research Geomorphologist | Ongoing Collaborator | Staff Profile | Bear Valley Creek - Green LiDaR | USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station: Boise Aquatic Sciences Lab |
Dr. | Joseph | Merz | Senior Scientist/ Restoration Ecologist | Former Collaborator | SHIRA | Cramer Fish Sciences & UC Santa Cruz | |
Dr. | Jeff | Mount | Professor | Former Collaborator (MS Commitee) | Staff Profile | Cosumnes River | UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences |
Mr. | Mathew | Oates | WebGIS Engineer (Now PhD Student) | Former Technician | Personal Site | CCCR | University of Bristol |
Dr. | Greg | Pasternack | Professor | Ongoing Collaborator | Watershed Hydrology & Geomorphology Lab | SHIRA | UC Davis |
Dr. | Michael | Pollock | Research Fisheries Biologist | Ongoing Collaborator | NOAA staff page | Bridge Creek | NOAA Northwest Science Fisheries Science Center |
Dr. | Jack | Scmidt | Professor | Ongoing Collaborator | Staff Profile | Big River Protocol Development | Utah State University |
Dr. | Mike | Scott | Research Ecologist | Ongoing Collaborator | Staff Profile | Big River Protocol Development | USGS Fort Collins Science Center |
Dr. | David | Sear | Professor | Ongoing Collaborator (PhD Commitee) | Staff Profile | Uncertainties in River Restoration | University of Southampton |
Dr. | Chunling | Tang | Research Scientist | Former Postdoc | Salmon Basin | University of Washington, Land Surface Hydrology Research Group | |
Dr. | Danielle | Tonina | Assistant Professor | Ongoing Collaborator | Contact Details | Bear Valley Creek | University of Idaho Center for Ecohydarulic Research |
Dr. | Damia | Vericat | Postdoctoral Fellow | Former Postdoc | Personal Site | Morphological Sediment Budgeting | Forest Technology Centre of Catalonia |
Miss | Sonya | Welsh | Masters Student | Current Student | Bridge Creek | Utah State University |