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Working Group Affiliations & Service

Community Service

Editorial & Reviewer Service

    1. National Science Foundation
    2. United States Geological Survey
    3. California Bay-Delta Authority
    4. United States Fish and Wildlife Service
  1. Compass
  2. Environmental Management
  3. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
  4. Freshwater Biology
  5. Geomorphology
  6. Hydrological Processes
  7. Journal of Applied Geodesy
  8. Journal of the American Water Resources Association
  9. Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface
  10. Journal of Hydrology
  11. Journal of Soils and Sediments
  12. Journal of River Basin Management
  13. River Research & Applications
  14. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science Journal
  15. Transactions of American Society of Agricultural Engineers
  16. Water Resources Research

University Service

Departmental Service & Administration

College Service & Administration

University Service & Administration