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Working Group Affiliations & Service
- Session Convener, American Geophysical Union Fall 2012 Conference -> Convening session titled ‘EP023: Quantifying Hillslope and Fluvial Processes Through Change Detection Using High-Resolution, Multi-Temporal Topographic Data’
- Invited Lecture, 2012 Annual Lecture Series for the US Bureau of Reclamation’s Sedimentation & River Hydraulics Group. The lecture focused on the topic of ‘Near Census Assessment of Fluvial Form, Process, Change and Associated Ecosystem Services.’
- Workshop Coordinator, ‘Morphological Sediment Budgeting using Geomorphic Change Detection Software’ for Idaho Power, November 2010.
- Invited Workshop Leader, NSF-Sponsored workshop: ‘New Tools in Process-Based Analysis of LiDaR Topographic Data’, June 2010 -> Led Workshop on ‘Meaningful change detection and sediment budgeting from repeat topographic data’.
- Design Volunteer, Stokes Nature Center, 2009-2010. Completed ground-based LiDaR survey and site analysis for new visitor’s center in Logan Canyon.
- Session Convener, American Geophysical Union Fall 2008 Conference -> Convened session titled ‘Multiscale Feedbacks in Ecogeomorphology’
Editorial & Reviewer Service
- National Science Foundation
- United States Geological Survey
- California Bay-Delta Authority
- United States Fish and Wildlife Service
- Ad-hoc Peer Reviewer, 2003- Present. Multiple journals, edited volumes, agency reports. Journals include:
- Compass
- Environmental Management
- Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
- Freshwater Biology
- Geomorphology
- Hydrological Processes
- Journal of Applied Geodesy
- Journal of the American Water Resources Association
- Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface
- Journal of Hydrology
- Journal of Soils and Sediments
- Journal of River Basin Management
- River Research & Applications
- San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science Journal
- Transactions of American Society of Agricultural Engineers
- Water Resources Research
University Service
Departmental Service & Administration
- GIS Minor Adviser (2012 - Present). GIS Minor.
- Watershed Sciences Graduate Affairs & Selection Committee (2009-Present). As part of this committee of three faculty members, we are primarily responsible for reviewing graduate applications. In the Fall of 2010, we spearheaded a thorough review of the WATS Graduate Handbook and provided a revisions and recommendations that improve the clarity of the document, consistency with School of Graduate Studies policies, and expand the amount of useful information for prospective, incoming and existing students.
- Watershed Sciences Graduate Program Review Committee (2010-2011). I served on this committee with Patrick Belmont and Jack Schmidt and we conducted a thorough review of the graduate program offerings in Watershed Sciences and concluded that there was a need for some specializations on the physical side, similar to the specializations offered in Aquatic Ecology, Conservation Biology, and Fisheries Management. We proposed and developed a new Geomorphology and Earth Surface Processes specialization and have been working to expand the range of course offerings for this specialization and seek EPC approval.
College Service & Administration
- Search Committee (2012). Member for search for Assistant Unit Leader in USGS Utah Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Unit
- Search Committee (2011-2012). Search was for an Assistant Professor, with emphases on human-environment geography and geospatial analysis for use in bioregional planning in Department of Environment & Society.
- College of Natural Resources Graduate Affairs Committee (2010-Present). I serve on this committee with colleagues from across the College of Natural Resources and we are primarily responsible for making sure that the College graduation ceremonies run smoothly.
- Ad-Hoc Espresso Course Curriculum Development Committee (2011-Present). This informal committee formed in response to student requests for more breadth and depth in their graduate coursework on offer as well as more informal learning opportunities. I serve on this committee with Tom Edwards and Jim Powell, and we have pushed the idea of offering more ‘espresso courses’, to meet these specific needs. Espresso course may range from an informal 2 hour workshop on a applying specific methods and tools in research (e.g. Matlab, R, geomatics, etc.), to intense multi-day workshops offered for credit, to five-week long courses during the semester in traditional lecture-time-slots. We conducted a college-wide survey of faculty and students and found broad support and enthusiasm for the idea. We have organized an inventory of the existing courses, and are now starting to offer a number of espresso courses to students.
University Service & Administration
- **Water Initiative Spring Runoff Conference – Organizing Committee **(2012) – In my service on this committee I helped shape what was a successful 2012 Spring Runoff Conference. I was specifically responsible for bringing in our keynote speaker (Gary Brierley from New Zealand), organizing the evening reception at the Logan River Country Club, and organizing the poster session.
- USU Facilities – Moab Master Plan Committee (2011)– I was invited to serve on this committee because of my experience with sustainable land use planning and environmental design. The committee reviewed four proposals from architectural firms and environmental consultants to undertake the design work for a new Moab USU campus. The committee ranked the proposals and submitted our recommendations. We will review the campus designs after the successful consulting firms prepare them to focus on their sustainability and environmental sensitivity.