
Project Type: **ICRRR Supported Research **Project Sponsor: Name of Agency, Client or Unsponsored Project Location: Some River, Some State, Some Country or Not Site Specific Status: Completed

Project Overview

Purpose of Project:

In 50 words, provide a lay summary purpose of the project


In 100-500 words summarize the research project.

Significance of Project:

With a few bullets, say why and who this research is important to.


Basic description of types of methods used (not a complete description).

Preliminary Results

A few bullets about the preliminary findings. Change to Results when project is complete.

Preliminary Conclusions / Future Work

A few bullets about the preliminary conclusions (if any) or future work. This should be future project work in beginning, and at end follow up to the project.

Project Outputs

Presentations from this Project

  • Poster: Kasprak A and Wheaton J. 2011. Morphodynamic Modeling of Gravel Bed Rivers: a Step-Length Based Approach, AGU Fall Meeting 2011. American Geophysical Union: San Francisco, CA. EP23C-0778.

Publications from this Project

  • Forthcoming

Software or Tools from this Project

  • MORPHED (Model of Riverine Physical Habitat and Ecogeomorphic Dynamics)

Project Details

Project PI: Joseph Wheaton Project Personnel from ET-AL: Alan Kasprak (PhD Student) Project Collaborators: James Brasington (University of Queen Mary, London) Funding Source: Department of Energy appropriation to ICRRR Project Start Date: **September, 2010 **Project End Date (anticipated): August, 2011