
If you were to derive each of these inputs on your own, this is how you would do it. However, we’ve just provided these for you in this lab. In other words, the below is FYI (you don’t have to do this).

Input Data

The ungulate utilization model requires:

Existing, readily and freely available GIS datasets from GIS data clearinghouses can be used as model inputs. For the pilot study ungulate utilization model, we used:

These data were processed to generate the following raster datasets:

Euclidean distance to Water (NHD streams and water bodies), Forage preference (LANDFIRE landcover data), Percent slope map (based on USGS 10-m DEM)

Vegetation Input Derivation


How the LANDFIRE land cover data for existing (2008) was classified by ungulate forage preferences established in the literature.

Task 1: Classify the LANDFIRE land cover data

Table 4. Suitability of LANDFIRE land cover classes for ungulate grazing

O - Unsuitable - LANDFIRE land cover = Cropland, developed, roads, barren, or water.

1 - Barely Suitable - LANDFIRE land cover = sparsely vegetated.

2 - Moderately Suitable - LANDFIRE land cover = conifer forest.

3 - Suitable - LANDFIRE land cover = woodland or evergreen shrubland.

4 - Preferred - LANDFIRE land cover = grasslands, scrubland steep or riparian.


Your classified output should look something like the above for the Escalante (click on image for larger view).

**Output file: **

Slope Input Derivation

Task 1: Create a project area slope map


Your slope analysis should look something like the above.

**Output files: **

Distance to Water Source Input - Derivation

Task 1: Convert NHD waterbodies to polyline (for distance to water input.)


**Output: **


**Output: **NHD_Lakes_Perennial_Streams.shp

**Task 2: Use the Euclidean Distance command to calculate distance to water sources **



Use Extract by Mask


Step 4: Convert raster to ASCII raster using the Raster to ASCII command.


Your euclidean distance should look something like the above.


Ahead to Run the Model