
Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editor program. If you have not used Illustrator it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the tools panel, their different functions, and the workspace basics:


Some Useful Shortcuts:


A Guided Tour of Building a Basic Figure in Adobe Illustrator After Exporting out of ArcMap:

In the video below, Martha walks us through how to bring in the data we exported out of ArcMap (see 3. Use ArcGIS ONLY for Making Figure Building Block) and build a basic figure in Adobe Illustrator.

A Quick Tour of Some Useful Shortcuts & General How To’s:

This sequence of videos from Sara walks through the basics of using Adobe Illustrator, how to add some stylistic touches, and assembling multiple components together.

Adobe Illustrator - The Basics

Adding Some Stylistic Touches to Your Figures:

Adobe Illustrator - A Better Figure

Assembling a Figure Made Up of Multiple Maps & A Table:

Adobe Illustrator - A More Complex Figure

←Back to 4. Gather Up Your Other Figure Components Ahead to 6. Export the Final Figure & Put Where Needed