Jordan Burningham

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Job Title: GIS/Research Technician Primary Affiliation: Department of Watershed Sciences Secondary Affiliation: Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab



  • 2013 BS. Environmental Studies, Utah State University, Logan, Utah.


  • Testing the effectiveness and accuracy of current CHaMP substrate sampling protocols.
  • GIS analysis of the effect of ungulate occupancy on beaver dam building potential
  • Using social marketing techniques to promote sustainable practices and development.


**Jordan **obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies with an emphasis in Sustainability and Conservation and a minor in GIS. During his time at USU, he has worked under a division of the SageSTEP program for the USU ecology center, led a trail crew for the Utah Conservation Corps on the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest, and served as the Student Trip Coordinator and Climbing Coordinator for the USU Outdoor Recreation Program. A Cache Valley native, he hopes to one day use his education and experience to help preserve the wild and scenic places, both locally and globally.


Scholarly Contributions

Peer Reviewed Publications

Conference Papers, Presentations & Posters

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  • to be updated…