
Introduction to Lab


You have used DEMs effectively to make persuasive maps (Lab 02), and now have built DEMs from raw data (Lab 07). At the heart of GIS raster analysis is the ability to analyze surfaces or landscapes to generate interesting and useful information from the elevation data in a DEM. In this lab, we use the Salt Lake County USGS NED 10m DEM from Lab 06 to delineate the watershed for Big Cottonwood Creek and to perform a series of morphometric analyses to better understand the physical characteristics of the watershed.

All the data you need for this lab was produced or provided in Lab 06.


Lab Objectives

The primary purpose of this lab is to show you how to do more with DEMs than just make pretty maps. Upon completion of the workshop exercise, you will have:

  1. Delineated a watershed from a DEM
  2. Derived a drainage network
  3. Appled some common morphometric analyses to DEMs

Meets Course Learning Outcomes 2 & 4.

Slope Analysis


Slope Analysis of 10 m USGS DEM for Big Cottonwood Canyon

Lab Tasks

This week, you are still working for the same old ‘Big Cheese’ environmental consulting firm who specializes in watershed management (congratulations, you were not fired last week). Your boss has reviewed the work you did comparing and analyzing resolution differences for DEMs in Big Cottonwood Canyon and has come back with some further instructions.

For this assignment, you should work with the 10 m DEM you used in Lab 6 - Task 1.

He would like you to:

Extra Credit (20 pts)

You may repeat these analyses on a higher resolution DEM from Task 1 of Lab 6 to see to what extent the results change (5m autocorrelated DEM or 2m LiDAR for whole watershed). Evaluate and discuss the potential benefits and detriments of using a higher resolution DEM to perform these analyses. Compare flow accumulation channel networks, min max mean slopes for watershed, and total watershed size.

Lab Instructions

What to Submit

Task 1- Watershed Delineation

Task 2 - Strahler Stream Order

Task 3 -

Make sure your lab conforms to the general lab submission guidelines. Submit a URL for this lab’s webpage.

Additional Resources:

Lab Introduction Lecture Slides

img Lab 8 Slides - Shannon Wing Belmont Spring 2014

Other Tutorials