Current Projects
Current Projects
- ELR/BPA: ISEMP Bridge Creek Restoration & IMW
- ELR/BPA: ISEMP John Day Fluvial Audits & River Styles
- ELR/FHC/CTWS: Pine Creek Beaver Assisted Restoration Pilot Project
- ELR: Asotin LWD Restoration and IMW
- NOAA: Linking Fisheries, beaver, geomorphic and physical habitat monitoring data to better understand the effectiveness of restoration efforts in Bridge Creek
- NPS: Assessment of Indicator Sites & Quantifying Short-Term Effects of High Flows on Riparian Vegetation along the Yampa & Green Rivers
- NSF: Sensitivity of Braided River Morphodynamics to Sediment Supply
- NSF: zCloudTools: Making Point Clouds Useful for Earth Science
- UDWR: Beaver Restoration Assessment Tool (BRAT)
- USFS Classification of Columbia River Basin Riparian Vegetation
- USFS: Temple Fork Watershed Fish & Beaver Ecology
- USGS: Dynamism and Persistence of Eddy Sand Bars in Grand Canyon